STAT 3375Q: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I

Updated: Apr 17, 2024

Course Schedule

Might change according to class progress and interest.

Date Type Topic Readings Slides Exercises Solutions
Jan 17, 2024 Lecture Course Overview; Probability: Introduction and definition; Review of set notations; Probabilistic model Syllabus

Ch 2.1-2.4

Lecture 1
Jan 19, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8 Week 1 HW Questions Week 1 HW Solutions
Jan 22, 2024 Lecture Counting rules; Conditional probability; Independence

Ch 2.5-2.9

Lecture 2
Jan 24, 2024 Quiz 1, Lecture Lectures 1 and 2; Bayes' rule Lecture 3 Quiz 1 Review Exercises Quiz 1 Review Solutions
Jan 26, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 2.15, 2.17, 2.19, 2.21, 2.23, 2.75, 2.77 Week 2 HW Questions Week 2 HW Solutions
Jan 29, 2024 Lecture Bayes’ rule; Discrete Random Variables: Definition

Ch 2.10-3.2

Lecture 4
Jan 31, 2024 Lecture Discrete Random Variables: Definition; Expected Value

Ch 3.1-3.3

Lecture 5
Feb 2, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 3.7, 3.19, 3.27, 3.31, 3.33 Week 3 HW Questions Week 3 HW Solutions
Feb 5, 2024 Lecture Special discrete distributions: Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric

Ch 3.4-3.5

Lecture 6
Feb 7, 2024 Quiz 2, Lecture Special discrete distributions: Negative Binomial, Hypergeometric, Poisson

Ch 3.6-3.8

Lecture 7 Quiz 2 Review Exercises Quiz 2 Review Solutions
Feb 9, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 3.37, 3.43, 3.55, 3.57, 3.65 Week 4 HW Questions Week 4 HW Solutions
Feb 12, 2024 Lecture Review problems for Midterm 1

Ch 2.1-3.8

Midterm 1 Simulation Midterm 1 Simulation Solutions
Feb 14, 2024 Midterm Exam 1 Midterm 1 Midterm 1 Solutions
Feb 19, 2024 Lecture Continuous random variables: Definition

Ch 4.1-4.2

Lecture 8
Feb 21, 2024 Lecture Continuous random variables, Expected value

Ch 4.2-4.3

Lecture 9
Feb 23, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 4.5, 4.9, 4.13, 4.15, 4.17 Week 6 HW Questions Week 6 HW Solutions
Feb 26, 2024 Lecture Special continuous distributions; Uniform, Normal

Ch 4.4-4.5

Lecture 10
Feb 28, 2024 Quiz 3, Lecture Special continuous distributions; Normal Z Table

Ch 4.5

Lecture 11 Quiz 3 Review Exercises Quiz 3 Review Solutions
Mar 1, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 4.61, 4.71, 4.73, 4.77, 4.81 Week 7 HW Questions Week 7 HW Solutions
Mar 4, 2024 Lecture Gamma, Exponential, Chi-square

Ch 4.6

Lecture 12
Mar 6, 2024 Lecture Beta, Student's t

Ch 4.7

Lecture 13
Mar 8, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 4.93, 4.95, 4.101, 4.103, 4.111 Week 8 HW Questions Week 8 HW Solutions
Mar 11-15, 2024 Spring Break
Mar 18, 2024 Lecture Other expected values

Ch 4.9

Lecture 14
Mar 20, 2024 Quiz 4, Lecture Multivariate probability distributions

Ch 5.1-5.2

Lecture 15 Quiz 4 Review Exercises Quiz 4 Review Solutions
Mar 22, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 4.139, 4.141, 4.142, 4.143, 4.181 Week 10 HW Questions Week 10 HW Solutions
Mar 25, 2024 Lecture Marginal and conditional probability distributions; Independent random variables

Ch 5.3-5.4

Lecture 16
Mar 27, 2024 Lecture Expectation and Covariance

Ch 5.3-5.4

Lecture 17
Mar 29, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 5.21, 5.23, 5.27, 5.35, 5.41 Week 11 HW Questions Week 11 HW Solutions
Apr 1, 2024 Lecture Review problems for Midterm 2 Midterm 2 Review Midterm 2 Simulation
Apr 3, 2024 Midterm Exam 2 Midterm 2 Midterm 2 Solutions
Apr 8, 2024 Lecture Functions of random variables: Univariate

Ch 6.1-6.5

Lecture 18
Apr 10, 2024 Lecture Functions of random variables: Multivariate

Ch 6.6

Lecture 19
Apr 12, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 6.15, 6.20, 6.23, 6.28, 6.46 Week 12 HW Questions Week 12 HW Solutions
Apr 15, 2024 Lecture Order statistics

Ch 6.7

Lecture 20
Apr 17, 2024 Quiz 5 Quiz 5 Review Exercises Quiz 5 Review Solutions
Apr 19, 2024 Discussion Homework Exercises: 6.72, 6.73, 6.74, 6.75, 6.80 Week 13 HW Questions Week 13 HW Solutions
Apr 22, 2024 Lecture Review problems for Final Exam Final Simulation Final Simulation Solutions
Apr 27-28, 2024 Reading Days
Apr 29, 2024 Final Exam